Tuse.ai User Service Agreement Updated: February 25, 2024

Special Tips

Welcome to Tuse.ai, the image processing software provided by Linguagua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Linguagua"). Please read the following carefully, especially the clauses regarding Linguagua's liability, user rights, application of law, and jurisdiction. Important terms that affect your rights and interests are highlighted for your attention.

If you are under 18 or lack the legal capacity to agree to this agreement, please have your legal guardian review and approve it. Your guardian must accompany you while reading this agreement. By agreeing to and using Tuse.ai software, you and your guardian accept the terms and bear the consequences in compliance with laws and regulations.

You must fully read, understand, and accept all terms of this agreement before using Tuse.ai software. If you disagree with any part of this agreement, please refrain from using Tuse.ai software immediately. By clicking "Agree," using Tuse.ai software, or expressing acceptance in any manner, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by this agreement, which constitutes a legal document between you and Linguagua Company.

1. Definition and Scope of Agreement 1.1 Definition

1.2 Scope of Agreement This agreement covers your downloading, installation, and use of Tuse.ai software, including the main text, "Tuse.ai Privacy Policy," and other rules or notices published or updated by Linguagua Company. All rules are integral parts of this Agreement.

2. Account Management 2.1 Account Acquisition

2.2 Account Information Settings

2.3 Account Usage and Ownership

2.4 Account Cancellation and Recycling

2.5 Account Violation Handling

3. Tuse.ai Software Service Content and Fees 3.1 Content Browsing

3.2 Content Creation

3.3 Transaction of Goods and Services

3.4 Content Sharing and Forwarding

3.5 Activity Participation

3.6 Service Fee

4. Rights and License 4.1 Platform Statement

4.2 User Content and Information Authorization

4.3 Infringement Complaint

5. Legal Liability 5.1 Breach of Contract

5.2 Responsibility

5.3 Anti-Commercial Bribery

5.4 Associated Processing

5.5 Information Disclosure

6. Limitation of Liability and Exemption 6.1 Third-Party Services

6.2 Limitation of Liability

6.3 Platform Responsibility

6.4 Change, Interruption, and Termination of Service

7. Change and Termination of Agreement 7.1 Notification of Agreement Changes

7.2 Change Agreement Takes Effect

7.3 Termination of Agreement

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

9. Others 9.1 Clause Titles

9.2 Validity of Terms

9.3 Feedback