Tuse.ai User Privacy Policy
Updated: July 12, 2024
Effective Date: February 25, 2024


Tuse.ai (hereinafter referred to as "we") is a software brand owned by Linguagua Technology Co., Ltd. We respect and protect the personal information and privacy security of all users. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services and a safer Internet environment at the same time, regulations and technical specifications clarify our principles for collecting/using/providing personal information to external parties, and further elaborate on the relevant rights regarding your personal information.

This policy is closely related to our products and/or services you use. When you download, install, launch, browse, register, log in, and use our products and/or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "using our products and/or services"), we will process and protect your personal information in accordance with this policy. We try our best to explain the technical terms involved in this policy to you in a concise way to facilitate your understanding. We have used bold fonts to distinguish the clauses in this policy that may have a significant relationship with your rights and interests, so please read them carefully.

Please read and fully understand this policy before using/continuing to use our products and services, and make appropriate choices according to the guidelines of this policy when necessary. If you do not agree with the contents of this policy, it may cause our products and/or services to fail to operate properly, or fail to achieve the service effects we intend to achieve. You should immediately stop accessing/using our products and/or services. Your use or continued use of the products and/or services we provide indicates that you fully understand and agree to the entire content of this "Tuse.ai User Privacy Policy" (including updated versions).

About us

The operator of the Tuse.ai website and APP is Linguagua Technology Co., Ltd.

Table of Contents

  1. How we collect and use your personal information
  2. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information
  3. How we store and protect your personal information
  4. How do you manage your personal information
  5. How to cancel your account
  6. Special instructions on products and/or services provided by third parties
  7. How we use cookies and other similar technologies
  8. Protection of minors
  9. How do we update our privacy policy
  10. How to contact us
  11. Others

1. How we collect and use your personal information

You understand and agree:

Tuse.ai is an image processing and generation application software based on computer graphics and image processing technology. In this policy, we will explain to you in turn the scope of personal information that may be collected by each function, the purpose of collection, the method of collection, and the possible consequences of refusing to provide personal information. Please be aware that when you refuse to provide the corresponding information necessary to implement various functions, you can still use other functions of the Tuse.ai App.

We will follow the principles of legitimacy, lawfulness, and necessity and collect and use your initiative during the use of our services for the following purposes described in this policy: personal information provided by or arising from the use of our products and/or services. If we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or use the collected information for other purposes based on specific purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and ask you again before use. Your consent.

1. Account registration and login

1.1. When you register and log in, if you use the one-click login function, based on our cooperation with communication operators, we will collect your Mobile phone number and network operator information to provide you with fast login services; at the same time, to help you complete the registration process.

1.2. If you use a third-party account to log in, in order to meet the requirements of the online real-name system, we will collect your mobile phone number to complete the real-name authentication before you use publishing, commenting and other functions and services that require real-name authentication. Please consider carefully before providing this type of information. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use the corresponding functions normally.

2. Provide products and/or services to you

2.1. Image processing, creation, and download

2.1.1. When you use the function of processing or generating pictures, we will ask for your authorization to store (album, media, and other files), camera authority. If you refuse to authorize the provision, you will not be able to use the corresponding functions, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of Tuse.ai.

2.1.2. When you use the generate image function, the image you generate will be stored in our server, because Storage is required to achieve this functionality. You can also delete these at any time within the app.

2.2. Safe operation and risk control verification. In order to ensure the safe operation of software and services, prevent your personal information from being illegally obtained, more accurately prevent fraud and protect account security, we will collect your device information [including: device model, device name, geographical location, storage (photo album), media and other files), language settings, sensors, operating system and application versions, network device hardware address (MAC address), login IP address, method of accessing the network, network quality data, mobile network information (including operator name), product version number. If you do not agree with us collecting the aforementioned information, you may not be able to complete the risk control verification. Please understand. In order to dynamically detect whether there is any abnormal login in your account, we may read it again every time you switch Tuse.ai to the background or restart the program, and we will control the frequency of reading within a reasonable range.

2.3. When you choose to use the image processing function, we may ask you for camera (camera) permission, camera (camera) permission is a sensitive permission, and refusing to provide it will only prevent you from taking the photos you want to process with your phone's camera.

2.4. Device permission call summary

The following is a summary of your main device permissions that Tuse.ai will call when providing services. You can choose to turn off some or all permissions in your device's settings. In different devices, the permission display and closing methods may be different. For details, please refer to the device and system developers' instructions or guidelines:

Device PermissionsCorresponding business functionsFunctional scene descriptionCan it be closed
Network permissionsInternet functionRead and update content in real timeYes, after closing, the APP content cannot be read and updated in real time, and the APP cannot be used normally
Camera1. Change avatar1. Change avatarYes, closing will only affect the corresponding functions and will not affect other functions of the APP
2. Selfie picture processing2. Process photos taken from mobile phone cameras
Storage (albums, media, and other files)
1. Download your own pictures1. Download the pictures you have processed to the albumYes, closing will only affect the corresponding functions and will not affect other functions of the APP
2. Select pictures from the album for processing2. Select pictures from the album and upload them to the server for processing
3. Edit the picture and save it3. Save the edited picture to the album

2.5. Face Data

When you use image processing or generation functions, some functions (such as AI face swapping, face restore) are designed to process facial photos. These images will be stored in the cloud (AWS, located in Virginia, USA) for processing. You can delete these images at any time through the app function. If you do not actively delete these images, Tuse.ai will automatically delete them when your storage space reaches the upper limit or exceeds 6 months. Tuse.ai will not disclose or share any of your face data with any third party.

Face API operation Feature Input data Output Retention of face User controls for data retention
Swap Face Upload a face photo and a template photo, and use AI technology to replace the face in the template photo with the target face. Image(binary) The image after the face is replaced After generation, the uploaded image will be deleted immediately; The resulting images will be retained for no longer than 6 months. User can delete the generated images through app->Portfolio at any time
Restore Face Upload a blurred photo (may contain facial information) and repair the facial details on the photo to improve the clarity of the photo. Image(binary) Higher resolution photos After generation, the uploaded image will be deleted immediately; The resulting images will be retained for no longer than 6 months. User can delete the generated images through app->Portfolio at any time

step1: The user uploads the picture (may contain face information).

step2: TuSe.ai stores the pictures uploaded by the user as necessary data for subsequent processing.

step3: TuSe.ai's AI engine processes the picture, including but not limited to detail adjustment, AI generation, resolution enhancement, synthesis, etc., and generates a new picture.

step4: The generated result picture is returned to the user.

step5: Delete the picture uploaded by the user.

step6: If the user does not actively delete the result picture, TuSe.ai will delete the result picture after 6 months.

3. We may obtain your personal information indirectly from third parties

If you log in using an account on a third-party platform, after you explicitly authorize the account to be bound, the third-party platform will synchronize your account with us. The avatar, nickname, region (if any), gender (if any) and friend information (for the Weibo platform) used on the platform so that you can log in directly and use Tuse.ai.

4. Exceptions with authorized consent

According to relevant laws and regulations, in the following situations, we may collect and use some necessary personal information without your authorization and consent. Information:

(1) It is necessary to enter into and perform a contract to which an individual is a party, or to implement human resources in accordance with the labor rules and regulations formulated in accordance with the law and the collective contract signed in accordance with the law. Required for resource management;

(2) Necessary to perform legal duties or legal obligations;

(3) Necessary to respond to public health emergencies, or to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergencies;

(4) Implement news reporting, public opinion supervision and other activities for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable scope;

(5) In accordance with the provisions of the "Personal Information Protection Law", the personal information disclosed by the individual or that has been legally disclosed by others shall be processed within a reasonable scope;

(6) Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

2. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

  1. Share:

We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual unless one or more of the following circumstances exist:

(1) Your authorization has been obtained in advance;

(2) Proposed by you;

(3) Necessary sharing with business partners:

You understand and know that in order to provide you with more complete and high-quality products and services, we will authorize business partners to provide you with some services . In this case, we may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. Please note that we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and we will only share the personal information necessary to provide services. We will conduct security assessment and processing on the output form, transfer, and use of information data to protect data security. At the same time, we will strictly supervise and manage our partners. Once we find that they have violated the rules of handling personal information, we will immediately stop cooperation and hold them legally responsible.

Currently, our partners include the following types. For details, please refer to the "Third Party Information Sharing List":

A. Advertising and statistical analysis partners: In order to help with advertising or decision-making suggestions, improve the effective advertising reach rate, and further understand user needs, we may We will share de-identified device information or statistical information with partners who entrust us with information promotion and advertising, or statistical analysis partners. This information is difficult or impossible to associate with your real identity. . Please know that for the security of your information, we currently only cooperate with partners who have signed strict data security confidentiality agreements.

B. Content review service provider: To ensure that the content created by users is safe, we may share your content with an entrusted third-party content review service provider. Content information created on Tuse.ai.

C. Real-name authentication and audit service provider: When you perform real-name authentication or use the account retrieval function, we will share your information with a third-party audit service provider Personal information so that you can successfully retrieve your account.

D. Cooperating third-party SDK service providers: When you use the functions provided by third parties in Tuse.ai APP, we may access the functions provided by Software development kits (SDK) provided by third parties to implement related functions. At this time, the third-party SDK service provider may collect your relevant personal information. We will fulfill our duty of prudence and conduct strict security monitoring of the aforementioned third-party SDKs to protect the security of personal information:

a. One-click login function: In order to provide you with account login-one-click login function, third-party service providers may obtain your necessary device information , network-related information, geographical location (including collected in the background) information;

b. Third-party account login function: In order to provide you with the third-party account login function, the third-party service provider may obtain your necessary device information, Network-related information, geographical location (including collected in the background) information;

c. Cloud storage service: To provide you with cloud storage service (the pictures, audio and video content you upload to Tuse.ai will be stored in the cloud and related scenario), third-party service providers may collect your device information, network-related information, and operator information;

d. Account security service: In order to protect the security of your and other users’ accounts and property, and protect your and our legitimate rights and interests from illegal infringement, Section 1 Third-party security service providers may collect your necessary device information, network-related information, operator information, and log information (including collection in the background) to provide account security services.

(4) When you choose to participate in marketing activities organized by us and our affiliates or third parties on the platform, you may be asked to provide Name, gender, mailing address, contact information, bank account information. This information may involve sensitive personal information, and refusing to provide it may affect your participation in related activities, but will not affect other functions. Only with your consent will we share this information with affiliates or third parties to ensure that you receive consistent service experience during the event, or to entrust a third party to cash out your rewards in a timely manner.

(5) Necessary sharing with our affiliates: We may share your personal information with our affiliates. We will only share necessary personal information and this sharing is subject to the purposes stated in this policy. If affiliated companies want to change the purpose of processing personal information, they will obtain your authorization and consent again;

2. Transfer:

Transfer means transferring control of your personal information to other companies, organizations, or individuals. We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual unless we obtain your explicit consent. Except for the following circumstances:

(1) Your consent has been obtained in advance;

(2) Proposed by you;

(3) If the company is merged, split, disbanded, or declared bankrupt, it may involve the transfer

of personal information. We will notify you before the transfer and require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your consent again.

3. Public disclosure:

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) With your explicit consent;

(2) Disclosure based on legal requirements:

a. We may disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, judicial decisions, or administrative enforcement actions requiring disclosure;

b. If we have reason to believe that it is necessary to disclose personal information to protect our rights, property, or safety, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our users or the public from harm, we may disclose personal information to the extent permitted by law;

c. In order to improve the social public interest and public safety, and achieve the purpose of crime prevention, and where necessary for law enforcement purposes, we may also disclose personal information to relevant administrative, judicial departments, and law enforcement agencies according to law.

(3) Other public disclosure circumstances:

When you post information yourself on social media platforms, forums, or communities on our platform, your personal information may be disclosed to the public, such as your account name, account profile picture, comments, and other content information posted by you, please consider carefully when posting and using these functions. Our platform cannot control the use of the personal information you disclose.

3. How we store and protect your personal information

1. Information storage

We will store your personal information collected and generated in the People's Republic of China, and it will not be transferred to any other region or country unless you have obtained your consent in advance or as required by laws and regulations. Personal information storage time is subject to the storage period specified in laws and regulations, unless the personal information subject has agreed to a longer storage period or there is another storage period stipulated in laws and regulations.

2. We have established a security system for your personal information

In order to ensure the security of your personal information, we have formulated a series of technical security measures, such as encryption technology, anonymization technology, and access control technology to prevent your personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered, and damaged. At the same time, we have established a sound management system, process system, and organizational structure, and appointed a dedicated security department and security management personnel to ensure the security of your personal information. We have also conducted security and privacy protection education and training for relevant personnel to enhance their awareness and ability to protect personal information.

At present, we will use encryption technology such as SSL encryption, data anonymization technology, and data access authority control to ensure the security of your personal information in the collection, transmission, and storage process. For example, we use encryption to protect the transmission of data between your browser and the Tuse.ai server to ensure the security of your personal information during transmission. We will also strictly restrict the scope of employees and partners who can access your personal information, and require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and undergo training on personal information protection and security measures.

3. Information access authorization

We have adopted a strict authority management and access control system to ensure that only relevant personnel can access your personal information, and are authorized only for specific purposes and within the scope required to perform their duties. We will also strictly monitor the access to personal information of employees and partners, and record their access and operation behavior in real time, so as to ensure the security of your personal information from the source.

4. How do you manage your personal information

You have the right to access, correct, delete, cancel, and port your personal information. If you are unable to access, correct, delete, or cancel your personal information through the above method, or if you wish to make a complaint or report a security incident, please contact us through the following channels:

To ensure the security of your personal information, we may require you to provide written materials to prove your identity. If you cannot provide sufficient proof of identity, we reserve the right to refuse to disclose your personal information.

5. How to cancel your account

  1. You can cancel your Tuse.ai account by following these steps: Open Tuse.ai, click on "Settings" - "Account" - "Destroy Account", and follow the prompts to complete the account cancellation.

  2. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products and/or services to you, and delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

6. Special instructions on products and/or services provided by third parties

  1. The products and/or services provided by third parties on our platform are only provided by third-party developers or service providers. If you choose to use these products and/or services, your personal information may be collected by third parties, and we will not bear any responsibility or obligation for the collection, use, or sharing of your personal information by third parties. Please read the privacy policy of the third party carefully and protect your personal information by yourself.

  2. Some services provided by third parties may collect your personal information in order to provide services, and these services may require permissions. If you do not agree with the permissions required by the service, you may choose not to use the service or refuse the corresponding permissions. But please know that if you refuse to authorize the permissions required by the third-party service, you may not be able to use the corresponding service properly.

7. How we use cookies and other similar technologies

  1. Cookie

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you use our products and/or services. We may use cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons to provide you with better products and/or services. For example, we will use cookies to identify users, customize services or advertising content, evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, analyze website visits, and improve product experience.

  1. Third-party cookies

We may allow third parties, such as advertising companies and related technology service providers, to place cookies on your device to provide you with personalized advertising or content. We will not provide any personal information to these third-party companies without your consent.

  1. How to manage cookies

You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For details, please refer to the "Help" menu of your browser or mobile device.

8. Protection of minors

We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read this policy carefully with your guardian and use our products and/or services under the guidance of your guardian.

We will only collect, use, and share personal information of minors with the explicit consent of their guardians, or as permitted by law. If we find that we have collected personal information of minors without prior verifiable consent from their guardians, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

If you are a guardian of a minor, and you believe that we may have collected personal information of the minor without your consent, please contact us through the contact information provided in this policy.

9. How do we update our privacy policy

We may revise or

update this policy from time to time. We will notify you of the changes by prominently posting a notice of the revised policy before it takes effect. Please read the revised policy carefully. If you continue to use our products and/or services after the revised policy takes effect, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised policy. If you do not agree with the revised policy, you should stop using our products and/or services.

10. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this policy, or if you have any complaints about our handling of personal information, please contact us through the following channels:

11. Others

This policy constitutes an integral part of the Tuse.ai User Agreement. When you use or continue to use our products and/or services, you agree and accept this policy and other relevant rules of our platform.